Tuesday 24 January 2023

2023 will bring awesome blessings to our lovely kids here in Ghana

God is so in love with His kids that He has gifted to be on this earth for God says "Suffer the little kids to come unto Me for such is the Kingdom of Heaven" Ghana please get ready to love and respect your kids even the more for God wants to perform a Supernatural manifestation that will thrill the kids. Thank God that He has chosen this 80 yr old Christian lady to help Him for I have been coming back and forth to Ghana since 2003 imparting Biblical Character, Etiquette and Acts of Kindness to the lovely kids.Please keep praying and thanking God for what He is going to expand in Ghana for the lovely kids. Much love and blessings Mamastrong

The Heart of the Father Orphanage

What an honor to fellowship with my lovely orphanage kids.I love imparting into them how special they are here on this earth.I want to compliment Lamour and Te'vye for their gifts were amaziing. Lamour writes her own books and she is a teenager.Te'vye her brother designs his own T-shirts for the boys of all ages.. What wonderful Christmas gifts I was able to give my lovely kids as they enjoyed their Happy Bless Birthday to Jesus Christ in Buffet style..Thank you John & Elizabeth for joining in with me to show your love to our lovely kids.