Monday 20 November 2023

An Awesome Thanksgiving Fun and Love Day

What an awesome blessing to have the Lovely Ladies from America come to Ghana to impart loving Thanksgiving into the lovely kids.Their Non-Profit Organization Rising Star Theatrical Productions gifted the presence of Kendra Chitman Asare, Pastor Margaret Bryant,and Lanell Blackshire.The kids enjoyed receiving Thanksgiving T-shirts,and backpacks full of school supplies.The kids enjoyed snacking on popcorn and cotton candy as they enjoyed their Praise Kids video.Impartation of Thanksgiving was given to the kids with skits performed by the lovely kids.Lunch was served and it was delicious.Games and more games were enjoyed by the kids topping it off with the bouncy house.
May God contiue to bless Rising Star Theatrical Productions for coming to Ghana just to be with the lovely kids-what an honor and blessing for Ghana. A special blessing to Miss.Naa,Mamastrong,Miss.Diana,Mr.Philip,Kent,and our MC.

Sunday 16 July 2023

Saturday 17 June 2023

God's Lovely Gifts

God bless you Pastor Richard. Thanks for blessing me to share God's lovely gifts on this earth-kids. MAMASTRONG


Mamastrong wants Heather and Njeri to know how much I appreciate their thoughtfulness in giving on GoFundMe to help bless the kids here in Ghana. God bless you both abundantly.

Sunday 11 June 2023

So Thankful For Blessings

Pastor Eric and his first lady Beatrice are such a blessing to helping in Missionary Ministry. It was such an honor to honor them in Jesus Name.

Thursday 11 May 2023

Love and Lunch

The lovely kids from "Heart of The Father Orphanage" enjoyed being at Mamastrong's Hospitality Home.Our fellowshipping together was full of imparting loving Jesus Christ,loving their lunches,loving their dancing and loving their hugs.....Our closing prayer was topped with cups of ice cream to eat on the bus ride back to the orphanage. ...... ..What an honor and such a blessing to have Naa,Phillip,Jerome and Diana teaming with Mamastrong to make home such a joy filled home for God's gifts on this earth-His lovely kids. God bless Frank and Elmila,Pas Vic and Irene and Pas.Peter and Michelle for your thoughtfulness in giving to this Love and Lunch for the lovely kids....... ........ .....Much love and blessings to GoFundMe Givers. ........ .........MamaStrong

Monday 24 April 2023

Lovely Kids-what a blessing

Having the honor to impart to God's lovely orphanage kids fills my heart with much joy.The kids get a partner and they say-God loves you and so do I. Role playing is done to impart Agape love when one is upset. Our meeting time ends with each child saying thank you to God in Jesus Name. Special thanks to Diana, Pastor Moses and Pastor Richard for joining in with me and the lovely kids.

Tuesday 24 January 2023

2023 will bring awesome blessings to our lovely kids here in Ghana

God is so in love with His kids that He has gifted to be on this earth for God says "Suffer the little kids to come unto Me for such is the Kingdom of Heaven" Ghana please get ready to love and respect your kids even the more for God wants to perform a Supernatural manifestation that will thrill the kids. Thank God that He has chosen this 80 yr old Christian lady to help Him for I have been coming back and forth to Ghana since 2003 imparting Biblical Character, Etiquette and Acts of Kindness to the lovely kids.Please keep praying and thanking God for what He is going to expand in Ghana for the lovely kids. Much love and blessings Mamastrong

The Heart of the Father Orphanage

What an honor to fellowship with my lovely orphanage kids.I love imparting into them how special they are here on this earth.I want to compliment Lamour and Te'vye for their gifts were amaziing. Lamour writes her own books and she is a teenager.Te'vye her brother designs his own T-shirts for the boys of all ages.. What wonderful Christmas gifts I was able to give my lovely kids as they enjoyed their Happy Bless Birthday to Jesus Christ in Buffet style..Thank you John & Elizabeth for joining in with me to show your love to our lovely kids.