Sunday 29 December 2019


I had the honor of helping Naa who has a Fun Day every year for the Orphanage kids. The kids come in and have Praise and Worship. They play games with the Game organizer.They share their talents in a talent show.They eat a delicious meal and they play more games. I call them up to give a big God bless you and Thank You to Mr. Roy Mack, Mr& Mrs Jerry Johnson,Peaches, Diamond, Naa and Mamastrong. What a wonderful Fun Day>

Sunday 22 December 2019

Love in Action Childrens' Fellowship

Thanks be to Pastors Vic & Irene,their loving support has made it possible to give to Fun Day for the Orphanages this Satursday at my friend,Naa's home. God is so on time and my heart is full of thanksgiving .We will share videos of Fun Day and you will hear personal thank you from the kids.May God continue to bless you abundantly. Love and blessings Mama (Strong)

Friday 20 December 2019


our Abba Father is amazing! He has given me the best gift of all-Jesus Christ.To show my thanksgiving by being here in Ghana, West Africa along with my team player, Matilda.God is using us to impart into the kids in Elementary Schools as well as Orphanages and as we are sharing with them they are returning so much love to us and it is wonderful. What an awesome gift to receive on Jesus' Birthday. To God be the Glory

Jesus Gives on His Birthday

The kids really enjoyed thanking Jesus Christ for coming to earth to be born for them personally. Matilada and I want to thank DaySpring Cypress Church Family, Frank and his family, Prophetess Lorelle, and Apostle Page for their sincere thoughtfulness in helping us share Giving to the 300 students here in Ghana's Elementary School. Love and Blessings

Monday 16 December 2019

Heart of the Father Orphanage

It was such an honor to share in prayer with the lovely kids. Their praying individually was such a blessing. I am sorry I was not able to get the Thank You video on this site this time.I will try again for I truly want DaySpring Cypress Family to hear how much the kids appreciate your thoughtfulness to them.Praise God Love and Blessings

Saturday 14 December 2019

God bless my Son

John I am very thankful for your thoughtfulness in supporting Love in Action Childrens' Fellowship.I thank God for giving you to me as a precious gift my dearson. May God continue to bless you abundantly My heart is full of thanksgiving for the thoughtfulness of Maxine, OJ and Apostle Archie for their loving support. May God continue to richly Bless you. Love and Blessings Mamastrong

Thursday 12 December 2019

Give and it shall be Given

What loving support God is sending through his love servants:Apostle Page, Prophetess Lorelle,Jeanine and an unamed servant. May God continue to bless you abundantly.My heart is overflowing with thanksgiving. On December 28th my friend NaaVander Puye-Orgle who has a Royal Kids Court will open up her lovely front yard to receive kids from orphanages to enjoy their day through games and eating.I will have the honor of helping Naa intertain these lovely kids and the kids will video a thank you to all of you for helping to make this enjoyable event possible.Naa mobile is -233244 940310 Love and blessings Mamastrong

Tuesday 10 December 2019

We Love Gods' Children

I want to tell you that the students were very focus and they truly enjoy praising God..I shared with them the love that God has for them.

God Bless Your Thoughtfulness

DaySpring Cypress Church Family Thank you so very much for your thoughtful support to Love in Action Childrens' Fellowship. May God continue to richly bless you abundantly. I truly love and miss you all. A special thank you to my daughter, Lorelle for her thoughtfulness and I pray God will continue to bless her abundantly in Jesus Name Know that thoughtfulness includes resources and prayers and I truly thank you ALLfor both of these blessings in Jesus Name