Thursday 28 November 2019

Spending quality time with Gods' children is such an Honor

Matlida and I enjoy going early to school so we can share with the kids on a more personal level. It is such an honor to share eye to eye.

Saturday 9 November 2019

God's gift to this earth

Listen to the video from our precious children at Heart of the Fathers' Orphanage Pictures speak louder than words-look at our Good News Childrens'Ministry learning to enjoy Praising God Mamastrong

Thursday 7 November 2019


What an honor to say thank you and God bless you abundantly to my Day Spring Cypress Church Family for their thoughtfulness in supporting "Love in Action Children's. Fellowship" . You will be hearing from the children by video.It was such a pleasure to share with Pastor Peter and Joe by phone. I love all of you and I miss you but know that I am with you in the spirit,thanks be to God. LOVE AND BLESSINGS Mamastrong

Monday 4 November 2019

What an Honor to say Thank You

Dear God please give a 10000 blessings to Gene & Karen,Vic & Irene and John for their thoughtfulness in sharing with me. Love and Blessings Mamastrong

Thank you Rev.Dr Nanayaa Owusu-Prempeh

I was honored to be invited to the Spirit Soul & Body Workshop by founder Rev. Dr. Nanayaa Owusu-Prempeh. I really enjoyed the program. Love and Blessings Mamastrong

77yrs old-still being used by Jesus Christ

I thank the Holy Spirit for dancing through me.I am very honored to be invited to CCC under the leadership Of Pastor Ernest Boateng impart the love of God to his lovely people. To God be the Glory Mamastrong

Saturday 2 November 2019

Speaking and Dancing for Jesus Christ

An invitation to share in with the Womens' Ministry under Rev. Abena Tay. I was vry honored to be apart of this anointed ministry. Mamastrong